Upcoming SandCam Update

My last Blog post is quite some time ago so i thought i will write some lines about ongoing work. There will be an interesting Sandcam update during the next weeks. It will allow live colorfilter preview and you will be able to control how the sand falls in different ways. There will also be an delete and paint mode and different color modes. It will be nice. Here are some examples:

Finding Mona – Ape Update –

I have done some homework and updated all my apps. They are now all ready for the iPad and iPhone. The biggest update was for Finding Mona. There`s now a big ape library and you can also load your own images into the app. Because of the ipad screen size I added a high resolution mode. Heres a iPhone video with some apes 🙂


I proudly present my third app SandCam:


With this app you can take a picture and watch in collapse. There are also two different coloration modes. This time it is made for iPhone and iPad. Its free if you just want to try it out.

Image    Image

Image    Image


beautiful gravity

The last days I had some time to experiment with my app Loop 45.


Here are four results. It’s a quick test but I think I will keep it as an ongoing project for the next months. It just works with a white ball on a black rope and gravity. I imagine this in a big hall without disturbing wind 🙂 Enjoy:

Test_101         IMG_0193[1]

I also bought my own line laser. Sadly wordpress shrinks the results a little bit. Click on it to see the original file.

Test_155         Test_137